Solo sailing on my ITA

Christophe, SV Albatros, Belgium

Last summer in Greece, I had the occasion to sail alone for the first time with my ITA15.49, upwind against a strong Meltemi wind from Cape Soumion towards Porto Rafti, about 15 miles north on the east side of the Athens peninsula. The wind was 8 Beaufort for most of the time, with occasional “calmer” 6 or 7 Bf. I had 2 reefs in the mainsail and the staysail on. My ITA sailed very well, at speeds between 7 and 11 knots depending on the waves. She was easy to handle and also pretty easy to tack (I made 28 of these!).

All in all, while leaving with some anxiety for my first single-handled trip in such a wind and sea, I felt rapidly quite at ease – and even treated myself to a pot of fresh tea!
Thank you ITA!